As the Director of South-East Asia at the Norwegian Seafood Council, Asbjørn is in charge of all regional activities in the South-East Asia including Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore starting from August 2019. His primary role and responsibility are to work closely with the Norwegian seafood exporters with marketing of Norwegian seafood and to oversee market reputation and risk management with the objective to increase the value and demand of Norwegian Seafood among consumers throughout South-East Asia.
With an educational background in Marketing, Asbjørn completed a doctoral degree (PhD.) in Marketing specializing in Consumer Behavior from The Arctic University of Norway. He has an extensive background in Marketing and Market insights from 14 years at the NSC. Starting from 2009, he joined the Norwegian Seafood Council as Project Manager. Over the following years, he became Consumer Market Analyst in 2010, and the Director of Market Insight and Market Access in 2015.