Andreas Nilssen Skorpen

Principal Consultant
Rystad Energy

Andreas Nilssen Skorpen is a principal consultant based in Singapore with Rystad Energy, having worked extensively on energy transition related topics. He has been working with E&P and energy companies, both locally in SEA and globally exposed, to assess future likely and plausible pathways of development. Andreas developed Rystad Energy’s hydrogen cube and solutions and have lately involved in the IGU global gas report 2023. He finds questions related to the stickiness of gas (and other gaseous commodities) and future grid balancing in the energy mix as very interesting; current research shows that there is no silver bullet for future grid balancing and different regional markets will have different ideal solutions. Some regions will thrive with solar and battery combinations, whilst others are more renewable resource scarce and require continued import of energy carriers. This dynamic makes commodity and gaseous markets very interesting and an essential challenge to solve in order to achieve a sustainable energy transition.

Registration will be open
in September 2023

Registration will be open in September 2023